Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Student initiation ceremony – 2017!

Student initiation ceremony – 2017!

16 October 2017

A good tradition of the Karaganda State Medical University is the solemn holiday of freshmen "Student initiation ceremony" which was held on October 11, 2017. The ceremony was attended by 257 students from India.

Ceremonial opening of the event began with the anthem of the KSMU. The  students ceremony of initiation included solemn vow by students, the performance of the student hymn "Gaudeamus", a theatrical composition with the Goddess of Knowledge, the transfer of the sacred Fire of Knowledge. After the parting words of the Vice-rector for the teaching and methodical work of PhD V.P. Riklefs and Deputy Dean of the International Medical Faculty MBA D.M. Doskozhin went through the culmination ceremony of students initiation- handing over the gradebook and the symbolic key of knowledge to the 1st year students of the "General Medicine" specialty. Also there were invited the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages candidate of pedagogical science  Burmistrova Valeria Alekseevna and a dentist of the highest category, senior teacher of the Department of Anatomy of the KSMU, President of the Kazakhstan Stomatological Association, Master of Medical Sciences A.T. Baigulakov, who delivered a parting speech and good wishes.

At the end of the celebration there was held a gala concert where students from various circles such as the "YesTeam" dance group, the choir club led by T.D. Povernikova, a circle of vocal singing, which showed that the younger generation of students of KSMU is talented in various genres and has outstanding dance and performing skills. 

From now on, yesterday's entrants have become a part of a single whole - they became students of the Karaganda State Medical University. This is an exciting moment and unforgettable event in the life of every student.

Dean's Office of the International Medical Faculty.



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