Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit of KSMU professors to the South Kazakhstan State Medical Academy in the framework of the academic mobility

Visit of KSMU professors to the South Kazakhstan State Medical Academy in the framework of the academic mobility

13 October 2017

In accordance with the program of academic mobility from 25.09.2017 to 06.10.2017 the head of the Internal Diseases Department No. 1, MD, Professor D.Z. Taizhanova and the head of the Department of General Pharmacology, MD, Professor S.K. Zhaugasheva participated in the educational process of the Departments of Therapeutic Disciplines and Pharmacology and Pharmacy in SKSMA. There were lectures on internal diseases, including cardiology, pharmacology for interns and students of the 4th and 5th courses;there were conducted practical classes on active technologies. On October 28, 2017 there was conducted a master classon the application of active learning technology at the interuniversity level with the participation of the SKSPA, IKTSU named after A.K.Yasaui and KSMU for the academic teaching staff.

  D.Z. Taizhanova, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases No.1,

  Doctor of Medicine, Professor

  S.K Zhaugasheva, Head of the Department of General Pharmacology,

  DoctorofMedicine, Professor



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