Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Presentation of the "Zhyr Zhauhar" poem collection.

Presentation of the "Zhyr Zhauhar" poem collection.

09 October 2017

The first in the history of the university presentation of the collection of poetic creativity of students, participants of the author's club "Zhyr Zhauhar" was held on September 30th.

 Creative evening was opened by the rector of KSMU R.S. Dosmagambetova. Raushan Sultanovna congratulated the club participants with the release of the first collection and noted that the way of becoming a doctor is long and thorny, that's why people who don’t bury their talent and who combine the requirements of the chosen profession with the creative urges of the soul, are doubly worthy of respect.

 Special guests of the evening, young poets, Zhadyra Baibulanova and Yerik Narynov welcomed the publication of the collection by reading their works.

 Many beautiful poems were performed that evening. The main directions of creativity were: Family, Love, Homeland, Occupation, Life. Beginning poets Rasilkhan Dosymbek, Ibrahim Togzhan, Smagul Nazgul and Abilzhanov Daryn read their poems about our city, about our university and about their feelings in which they expressed the love of the younger generation for their homeland and their Earth.

Popular wisdom holds that the happiness of parents is first of all the happiness of their children. Students Onbai Salamat, Abdіlla Murat and Zholdybai Nurdaulet read poems that praise family values. The topic aroused the warm approval of those gathered in the auditorium.
No less recognition of the audience was received by the poems of the participants of the club "Zhyr Zhauhar": Kadyr Arailym, Sabit Dina, Kural Shalkar, Syez Gulnar, Bolatyzy Danabibi, Esilbaeva Asel and Seidekhali Gulnaz.

The theatre play of "Darіger kyz" performed by Igenbekova Adina and Tulendi Zhandos attracted a particular interest.
What a poetic evening without love lyrics, what a poet without a muse giving inspiration. The muse, who is present in the hall, inspired the student of the 2nd year Abilzhanov Daryn to compose a lyrical poem. Representatives of the fair sex generously rewarded the courage of the young poet with applause.
But not only the poets appeared on the stage that evening. The winner of the contest "Zhas Kanat", Aidar Tuleyev and the participant of the vocal circle, Srazhadinov Maksat, performed songs about the fact without whom life on Earth is impossible: Motherland and Mother.
Members of the Folk Ensemble of Oriental Dances "KaraKoz" once again pleased the audience with their creativity.

The culmination of the evening was the artistic execution of the poem "Tragediya – tagdyrym"(Tragedy is my destiny), philosophically comprehending the connection between poetry and life. The poem was performed by Onbai Salamat, the winner of the Grand Prix of the XII Poetry Contest named after Oralkhan Bokei and Mukagali Makatayev.



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