Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
International social project "TOM: Kazakhstan" in KSMU

International social project "TOM: Kazakhstan" in KSMU

05 October 2017

Last year, for the first time in Kazakhstan, there was a meikaton for developing adaptations for people with special needs, the winners of which were Karaganda medical students who created a soft exoskeleton for people with disabilities. This year, meikaton will be held in our university.

October 7, 2017 at 10:00 in Karaganda State Medical University will be the first phase of the project "TOM: Kazakhstan", which will bring together innovators from all over Kazakhstan to work out ideas for solving social and everyday problems of people with disabilities.

TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) means "changing the world" is a global movement to improve the quality of life of people with special needs, which gradually covers the entire globe.

The aim of the project is to create prototypes, easy to use, easy to manufacture and affordable, aimed at organizing a full life of people with disabilities.

The implementation of ideas in prototypes will take place at the second stage of the project - meikaton (72-hour marathon), where innovators will work in non-stop mode.

Participants of the project are students, teachers, doctors, engineers, robotics, IT and other specialists from all over Kazakhstan.

Similar projects have been held since 2014 in the USA, Argentina, Great Britain, Israel, Brazil, Canada, Australia and Vietnam. The first TOM project in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries was implemented in May-August of 2017 in Pavlodar.

The project is implemented by the "Association of Friends of the Tel Aviv University in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in partnership with the Akimat of the Karaganda region with the support of the Karaganda State Medical University.

Location: Karaganda, st. Gogol 40, Karaganda State Medical University

Contacts for the media: tel.: +7 7172 266 023, +7 775 134 16 24, e-mail: info@tau-friends.kz



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