Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Day of Languages of Nations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Day of Languages of Nations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

27 September 2017

A festive event dedicated to the Day of Languages of nations of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized by the Department of Foreign Languages was held in dormitory 4 of KSMU on the 20th of September.

The main goal of this event is to encourage students’ love, pride and respect for Motherland, the state language and other languages of people living on the territory of our Republic.

The Day of Languages is a common holiday for all people of Kazakhstan and therefore it isn’t surprising that many students – representatives of different nationalities, such as Turks, Georgians, Uzbeks, Chinese, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Germans and other came to congratulate their fellow students on this wonderful Day.They amazed the audience not only with congratulations in their native languages, but also with beautiful folk songs and lively dances.Within the concert the audience could enjoy the poetry of not only the Kazakh, but also the Japanese people.

On the Day of Languages, students were also congratulated by their mentors – Vice-rector for social work V.B. Molotov–Luchanski, Vice-dean of the international medical faculty – M.T. Kultenova, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages - V.A. Burmistrova, as well as assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology – T.S. Slobodchikova.

The special interest of the audience was caused by the congratulation of the fifth-year student Ali Shadil, who came from India to study at KSMU.He not only congratulated students on this holiday, but also told them about the role and importance of the English language.

Within the framework of the event, the students could demonstrate their language competence, erudition and of course the respect for other nationalities, living on the territory of our Motherland – Kazakhstan. We would like to note that this educational event contributed to increasing of motivation needed for advanced learning of languages.



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