Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Words of gratitude for КГМУ

Words of gratitude for КГМУ

08 August 2017

We, students of III of course of Бухарского of state medical institute from Uzbekistan, АзизбекТуксанов, ДалерСафаров, ЗарифРузиев, СардорАтамурадов, passed educational-productive practice of "Helper of procedural medical sister" in Karaganda Государствен-ном medical university.

КГМУ very pleased us. All terms are created for educating of students. An university possesses a large scientific base, modern research center, and also by innovative Center of practical skills, there are different simulators in that. Our leader of practice was Ника Nikolaevna Седач, with her we visited the museum of history and in the anatomic museum of КГМУ, in НИИ of university, in Center of practical skills, in a library. Ника Nikolaevna acquainted us with clinical disciplines of speciality "Sisterly business" and defined on practice on one of these bases is the Regional medical center. Our practice lasted 10 days: two days we worked off skills in ЦПН and eight days we were practiced in ОМЦ, changed every two days in a new separation is плановая surgery, urgent surgery, neuro-surgery, reanimation. Every day we filled diaries and shared the impressions from practice with our leader Niка by Nikolaevna.

Also we got possibility interesting to conduct leisure. We went for a walk on Karaganda, visited a theatre the name of Станиславского, stadium, zoo; we езди-ли in the museum of Карлаг, and a weekend conducted in Astana on Expo 2017. We first time arrived to Kazakhstan. And very delighted by sincerity, friendliness, cordiality of Kazakhstan.

We express enormous gratitude to Chancellor КГМУ Досмагамбетова of Р.С., to the leader of practice Седач of Н.Н. and to the specialist of Department of international collaboration of СапароваМ.Б. for creation of favourable terms for employments and leisure.

We spent time with a benefit and interest.

Also we would like to get permission on educating in КГМУ, in scopes of academic mobility, on IV course.



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