Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit of the assistant of the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology Zhunusov Erzhan Seypolovich within the framework of academic mobility in JSC «Astana Medical University»

Visit of the assistant of the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology Zhunusov Erzhan Seypolovich within the framework of academic mobility in JSC «Astana Medical University»

10 July 2017

Within the framework of the academic mobility program for the academic and teaching staff of Karaganda State Medical University and Medical University of Astana in the period , from 01.05 to 12.05 was made a visit of the assistant of the Department of  Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology Zhunusov Erzhan Seypolovich in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Immunology of JSC «Astana Medical University».

Under the supervision of him in Medical University of Astana, a topic on the most urgent issues of infectious pathology (intrauterine TORCH infections, especially dangerous infections) was discussed, and the practical classes were held, with the account of 2 credits in the group of interns including the SIWIC. "ID 6 - 695 ". classes were conducted using innovative teaching technologies (CBL, TBL, RBL) in practical sessions and seminars which created a great interest among students and teachers of JSC «Astana Medical University».

Zhunusov E.S. was introduced with the documentation and rules of its management at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Immunology of JSC "MUA", interactive teaching methods, educational journals. In turn, Zhunusov E.S. acquainted the faculty and interns with the system of training scientific and medical personnel in Karaganda State Medical University.  May 11, 2017, the session was held using the CASE-BASED LEARNING technique in the format of a symposium with the participation of several groups of interns on the topic: "Diseases that occur with meningeal syndrome." May 12, 2017 in group ID 6 - 695 was held a practical session on the method RESEARCH-BASED LEARNING (RBL) on the topic: "Especially dangerous infections. Modern principles of diagnosis and drug therapy”  During the session, the main points and advantages of this technique were demonstrated. Also the students presented scientific essays on topical subjects: "Especially dangerous infections. Anthrax".  Active methods of training are very effective in training specialists. As a result of the training, positive feedbacks were expressed by the students. According to students, active teaching methods make it easier to understand, assimilate and consolidate the educational material that has been passed. TBL and CBL, besides solving a clinical problem, were taught and communicative skills, such as teamwork, the skill of understanding with the use of obtained theoretical knowledge. Classes using the RBL methodology allow students to develop scientifically - oriented skills, namely, work with scientific literature and publications, with scientific Internet resources and on the results of work writing scientific texts, theses, essays.

In addition to educational activities, Zhunusov E.S. took part in the therapeutic activity of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Immunology of JSC "MUA". He took part in the analysis of difficult clinical cases and a consultation with the head and assistants of the department.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the rector of KSMU, Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova for the giving the opportunity to cooperate with universities of Kazakhstan and abroad in the framework of academic mobility, as well as the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Immunology of the AO MUA Kulzhanova S.A. for the providing a warm welcome and for the creation of specific conditions for this effective work.

We are sure that, this cooperation in the framework of academic mobility is a contribution to strengthening the links between universities and departments of universities in both academic and scientific, clinical aspects.



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