Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Thesis defense in English for the first time!

Thesis defense in English for the first time!

21 June 2017

On 19th June, 2017 there was thesis defense of the graduates of bachelor specialty 5В110200 "Public Healthcare" in Karaganda State Medical University.  The meeting of the State Attestation Commission was attended by representatives of practical healthcare, as well as members of the commission and teaching staff of the Departments.

The graduates presented the results of their research work; it is worth noting the graduate thesis of the student of group 5007 Ayan Zhumagaliyev, who defended in English. The head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​V.A. Burmistrova and the head of the Department of International Cooperation and the Bologna Process S.B. Kassymova were invited to the meeting of the Commission, who asked questions in English and were satisfied with student's answers.

 All graduate theses were highly estimated by the members of the State Attestation Commission. The graduates received recommendations for admission to Master’s degree program. We congratulate the graduates of the specialty "Public Healthcare" on successful thesis defense and wish them success in their professional activities!

Dean's office of the faculty of

Preventive Medicine,

Biology and Pharmacy



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