Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Two Stars”.

“Two Stars”.

25 May 2017

On 18 May 2017 at our university was held an annual creative contest “Two Stars” in full house. Once again, students united with teachers in the name of music, revealing their talent on the stage of the Assembly Hall of KSMU. The event was organized by the 2nd year students of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry with its Vice-Dean Mukhtarova Indira Bagdatovna. The sponsor of our show competition was “Stomatolog-Lyuks” Dental Clinic.

The invited guests and members of the star jury were:

- Director of the Academic Orchestra named after Tattimbet of Karaganda, Magavin Mereke Kabdullinovich.

- Head of Department of Organizational-Operational and Control Work of the Board of Health of Karaganda Region, Yarkova Raisa Dmitrievna.

- Specialist of Youth Work Department of KSMU, a holder of a diploma of Almaty Music School on the piano class, Milaeva Irina Ivanovna.

- Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kurmanbay Gabdelov.

- Lawyer of “Stomatolog-Lyuks” Dental Clinic, Akimova Dinara Kanatovna.

There were seven couples involved in the competition, and many fans of every star duet gathered in the hall.

The festive evening was opened by “Karakoz” folk oriental dance company, who presented the audience and participants an incendiary and colorful Tatar dance.

A teacher of Department of Public Health Aubakirova Dinara Serikovna together with a 2nd year student of “Dentistry” specialty Kairbaev Samat were the first among the star couples who performed “Atameken” patriotic song.

Then to the stage came a teacher of Department of Microbiology Sraulkanova Bayan Mukhamedzhanovna and a 2nd year student of “General Medicine” specialty Maria Ayapbergenova, who presented a touching composition to the song “Pogovori so mnoyu, mama” (Talk to me, mum).

A teacher of Department of Public Health Dauletkalieva Zhania Abaevna and a 2nd year student of “General Medicine” specialty Kaltayeva Assel transferred the spectators and guests into the ancient Kazakh steppe during the performance of “Tugan zher” song.

Then the audience welcomed on the stage a teacher of Department of Pathologic Physiology Zhalmakhanov Murat Sharapatovich together with a 2nd year student of “General Medicine” specialty Mamanova Gulnaz. The contestants performed “Bakyttymyn kurbylar” song.

The stage turned into a place of memory of the Great Victory, when the head of Foreign Languages Department Valeria Alekseyevna Burmistrova together with a 4th year student of “General Medicine” specialty Khusainova Anastasia performed “Kukushka” (Gowk) song.

A teacher of Department of Pathologic Physiology Abdikadirova Khamida Rakhimovna and a 3rd year student of “General Medicine” specialty Seidaly Aidana were the next and performed a lyrical song about the female friendship titled “Al kyrbym”.

The contest program was closed by the head of Kazakh Language Department Marina Abilzhanovna Maretbaeva and a 1st year student of “General Medicine” specialty Turgunov Aziz. The contestants performed a sensual composition “Romance”, starting their performance with an acoustic fragment of the song “Ya ne mogu bez tebya” (I can not live without you) to the accompaniment of the piano.

While the jury was summing up the results, a lot of surprises awaited the audience: the organizing committee of the vocal competition hosted a flash mob on the stage, participants from different star pairs Kairbaev Samat, Kaltaeva Assel and Mamanova Gulnaz united in one musical constellation, the 2nd year students of “General Medicine” specialty Yeralieva Dana, Lisitsa Natalia, Savin Nikita performed the famous hits.

After a long and difficult discussion, the jury members got on the stage and announced the results of the competition. Following the results of heat disputes, the places were distributed as follows:

Diploma of I degree - Maretbaeva Marina Abilzhanovna and Turgunov Aziz.

Diploma of II degree - Burmistrova Valeria Alexeevna and Khusainova Anastasia.

Diploma of III degree - Zhalmakhanov Murat Sharapatovich and Mamanova Gulnaz.

All participants were awarded nominal gold stars, memorable gifts, and the holders of the I degree diploma also received certificates from our sponsor. Graceful decorative brooches handmade by Vice-Dean of Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Kultenova Makhabbat Tulegenovna were presented to all the students.

The show presented unforgettable impressions, inspiration, and the best and sincere emotions to all participants, guests and spectators. It was truly a stellar moment, filled with joy and a sense of celebration. It does not matter who we are - students or teachers: in the life of each person there will always be a place for the music!

The festive evening was conducted by the 2nd year students of “General Medicine” specialty Igenbekova Adina, Sycheva Kristina, Zhuatay Kuanysh and Maxim Selivanov. The organizing committee of the creative contest included: Savin Nikita, Kim Alexandra, Lisitsa Natalia, Pshembaeva Kymbat, Zhetpisbaeva Dariga, Aldakuatova Dana, Nurpeisov Daniyar.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, guests, sponsor and, of course, to the audience!

I.B. Mukhtarova

Vice-Dean of Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry and

organization Committee of 2-year students.



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