Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Interdisciplinary lesson as innovative method of teaching

Interdisciplinary lesson as innovative method of teaching

25 May 2017

At present, the use of innovative teaching technologies in modern education is associated with the search for ways to transform the traditional education into a more productive one, based on the organization of both independent and collective creative and research activity of students. One of such innovative methods of teaching is an interdisciplinary lesson. The interdisciplinary training became a great expectation for improving the educational process of all students.

On 18.05.2017 at the Center of Practical Skills of KSMU was conducted an interdisciplinary lesson by the staff of departments. Under the strict guidance of Head of Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 2, M.D., Professor B.T. Tukbekova and Head of Department of Emergency Medical Care No. 1, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor A.R. Alpyssova was held a lesson on the topic: “Diagnosis and tactics of management of patient with acute community-acquired pneumonia complicated by respiratory failure”, during which were set the goals of deepening, generalizing, systematizing and consolidating the theoretical and practical diagnostic skills and the tactics of patient management in prehospital and hospital stages.

At the beginning of the interdisciplinary session, Assistants of Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 2 G.А. Sarmankulova and B.I. Abisheva and Assistant of Department of Emergency Medical Care No. 1 G.K. Tuleuova determined the goals and tasks set, directed the students to the qualitative performance of professional skills and using of communication skills, ability to work in a team.

During the lesson, the students of 4-102, 5-063 and 5-065 groups demonstrated, besides the practical skills of diagnosis and emergency therapy under ambulance conditions and at the level of admission department of hospital, the skills of coordinating the actions of medical workers of emergency care and accident ward, ability to work in a team and interpersonal skills. For the students were created conditions close to reality, which helped to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the ability to apply practical skills and work in a team.

The interdisciplinary lesson was very useful for us; we learned to diagnose and provide assistance in emergencies, consolidated practical skills, learned how to work together in a team and collectively make decisions.

We express our gratitude to Department of Pediatric Diseases No. 2, Department of Emergency Medical Care No. 1 and to the developers of clinical scenarios. We hope that such activities will gain a firm foothold in our university, and will be also replenished with new scenarios.

Students of 4-102 group: S.K. Baymaganbet, D.M. Akhmetzhanova, R.K. Tursynbekova.



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