Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Scientific and Practical Conference: “Relevant Issues of Rehabilitation of Frequently Ill Children”

Scientific and Practical Conference: “Relevant Issues of Rehabilitation of Frequently Ill Children”

23 May 2017

Despite the fact, that in recent decades, due to significant improvement in diagnostic methods and introduction of new methods of treatment, has been achieved success in treatment of pathology of childhood, the increase in the number of chronic respiratory diseases among children remains quite high. This situation is not unique for Kazakhstan and generally repeats the world trends. Currently, FIC (frequently ill children) means the children who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases. FIC is not a diagnosis, but a group of dispensary observation, which includes children with frequent acute respiratory diseases, arising from abnormalities in the body defense systems without persistent organic disorders in them. 

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, FIC are the children who have experienced more than 5 episodes of acute respiratory disease per year. Despite the fact, that respiratory tract diseases are among the most studied, there are many unresolved issues concerning the terminology, etiology, pathogenesis of individual nosologies, their diagnosis, therapeutic approaches, and the most important in tactics, its further rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of FIC is a rather difficult task. Complex rehabilitation of frequently ill children at all stages of recovery includes carrying out activities aimed at preventing diseases and promoting the health of children, as well as adequate therapy for acute disease.

 To carry out effective preventive and curative measures, it is necessary to search for individual methods of recovery, taking into account the etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of the occurrence of such a condition. Medical rehabilitation has become of practical importance, first of all, as the process of implementing a set of medical measures aimed at achieving the full recovery of the child. Comprehensive rehabilitation of FIC should be carried out at all stages of recovery: family, organized team, polyclinic, and especially sanatorium treatment.

This issue was chosen as the topic of the scientific and practical conference: “Actual issues of rehabilitation of children who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases”, held on the basis of “Berezka” Regional Children's Sanatorium by the staff of Department of Introduction Into Clinic. The conference participants were pediatricians, students from Tajikistan training within the academic mobility, and students of 2-3 courses of KSMU.

The welcoming speech was made by Head of Department Kabieva S.M., who emphasized the urgency of the problem both in the world and in our city, which is a large industrial center with the ambiguous environmental situation. Professor noted that among the young children attending kindergartens, a group of FIC may constitute more than 50%, while among the schoolchildren, frequent respiratory diseases occur much less often and constitutes 15-20%.

Interesting reports were presented to the audience, in particular, Assistant of Department Korneeva E.A., performing medical work on the basis of the sanatorium, presented graphically the modern approaches to the rehabilitation of children who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases. Modern views on this problem were given; both theoretical data and practical issues were covered.

Under the guidance of Assistant of Department Kurilova V.V., students of 3071 OM group Kusainov Sanzhar and Saparbekova Zhuldyz analyzed the data of nearly 500 clinical records of children that have recovered within the last three years in the conditions of “Berezka” Sanatorium. The given analysis showed that 56.1% of the treated children were boys, 43.9% were girls. Most of the children were from Karaganda (66.8%), the remaining 33.2% were from Karaganda region. The pathology of respiratory tract was distributed as follows: upper respiratory tract diseases - 61.7%, lower respiratory tract diseases - 31%, 7.2% of cases were children with combined pathology.

In conclusion of the conference, 2-year students of Faculty of General Medicine Orlova Vasilisa and Mukasheva Asemgul presented the interesting material on breathing exercises by Strelnikova, that is absolutely uncostly materially, but very useful for both sick and healthy people. “This is very important!”, said the students and invited to the training gymnastics people from the audience. A fairly large group of doctors, assistants and students themselves took an active part in the action. It is no secret that students can encourage by their activity and enthusiasm any audience. The participants of the training noticeably improved their mood, their cheeks turned pink, their eyes lit up and there were so many endorphins!!!

Then the staff of the sanatorium conducted a tour of the building. The Regional Children's Sanatorium is located in a picturesque place on the territory of the Botanical Garden; it is a modern medical and health complex with 200 beds, which provides rehabilitation for the children of the city and the region. The history of the sanatorium begins in the distant 1957. This is the only budgetary institution of state importance in Kazakhstan. Currently, there functions a modern building, whose architectural features allow distributing children according to the age, contributing to commonality of psychological interests and compliance with all the necessary sanitary and epidemiological principles.

The annual analysis of the structure of diseases in entering children convincingly showed the presence of 2-3 accompanying, often chronic, diseases. This determined the availability of a wide range of treatment and diagnostic rooms in the sanatorium. The therapeutic and diagnostic base of the sanatorium is represented by diagnostic and treatment rooms, which allow to set and clarify diagnoses in the shortest possible time and to provide qualitative and adequate treatment. Electrocardiography and spirography are performed in the functional diagnostics room. A special pride of the sanatorium is a salt mine, where children can perceive the effect of the treatment in a cozy atmosphere to the relaxing music. There is a school and a library in the sanatorium. The classrooms, perfectly equipped with methodological materials, allow conducting lessons in all disciplines from 1 to 8 grades.

The conference ended with the exchange of opinions. The first who had an opportunity to speak were students who noted that the topic of the conference was important due to the fact they were not only future doctors, but also parents of their future children and had to possess information on that topic. Then a student Kodirova Gulnoza from Tajikistan, training within the academic mobility, noted that the conference was very interesting, and that the conference materials would be used in Tajikistan.

At the end of the conference, Director of Sanatorium Omarzhanova B.A. thanked the staff of the department and students for the useful and interesting event at their clinical site. It is no secret that health practitioners do not have many opportunities to study scientific literature, to work with statistics. Undoubtedly, colleagues liked the breathing gymnastics, conducted by our students. In the future, it was even decided to invite students to the gym for conducting exercises with children. “Children, be healthy! And we will help you!” was the motto of the conference. 

S.E. Khalmuradova

Assistant of Department of Introduction Into Clinic



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