Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


11 May 2017

Teachers of Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of Karaganda State Medical University: Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Kh.G. Devdariani and Assistant A.E. Dyusembaeva visited the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute on 7-18 April 2017 within the academic mobility program.

The main site of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases is located on the territory of Tashkent Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 5; the additional sites are located on the territory of Tashkent Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 4 and Tashkent Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1. The educational work at the department is carried out in the following areas: early diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis; early diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal infections of bacterial and viral etiology; early diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases with exanthema syndrome. Head of Department is M.D., Professor B.M. Tadzhiev.

The department provides training of students of 6 and 7 courses of pediatric faculty in Uzbek, Russian and English.

To the employees of KSMU was shown the structure, documentation and methods of work in 5 clinical sites of infectious diseases hospitals, where located the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

In addition, during the department meeting, Associate Professor Kh.G. Devdariani and Assistant A.E. Dyusembaeva were familiarized with the documentation and rules of its maintenance at the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, a calendar-thematic plan, interactive teaching methods, educational journals, etc.

In the framework of the academic mobility program, we conducted training of students at the amount of two credits (53 hours), of them: lectures (4 hours), practical classes (32 hours), student independent work under teacher control (17 hours). The employees of the Department created all conditions for fruitful work.

In order to improve the quality of education and exchange of experience, by the teachers of KSMU were given lectures in the form of presentations on the topics “Diseases proceeding with a syndrome of tonsillitis”, “Diseases proceeding with a syndrome of rash”, “Diseases proceeding with a syndrome of diarrhea”, “Nosocomial infection” and conducted the practical classes using the active teaching methods: team-based learning (TBL), case-basedlearning (CBL).

At the result of the conducted classes was received the positive feedback from the students.

In student’ opinion, the active teaching methods facilitate understanding, assimilation and consolidation of educational material. Namely, TBL and CBL, besides solving of clinical problem, develop communication skills, such as teamwork, mutual understanding by using obtained theoretical knowledge, as well as lecture material.

Academic mobility allows improving the quality of education, personal growth and pedagogical skills, increasing the cooperation between universities.

Associate Professor Kh.G. Devdariani and Assistant A.E. Dyusembaeva took part in the scientific-practical conference “Infection and drug resistance”, which took place 12.04.2017

Special words of appreciation were said to Rector, M.D., Professor B.T. Daminov, employees of the Department of International Relations and Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Head of Department, M.D., Professor B.M. Tadzhiev, associate professors and assistants, for the warm welcome and full support during our stay in Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

Kh.G. Devdariani, Associate Professor of Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

A.E. Dyusembaeva, Assistant of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Karaganda State Medical University (Kazakhstan)



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