Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists

International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists

10 May 2017

In Minsk took place the LXXI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Actual problems of modern medicine and pharmacy – 2017”.

More than 1500 participants were able not only to present the results of their research, but also to attend 20 seminars and 10 lectures, to improve their professional level, gain invaluable experience in public speaking and meet young scientists from countries of near and far abroad.

KSMU was represented by the 5-year students Kenesarov Almas Seitkalievich and Kamirov Duman Kuandykovich, who made a report on the topic “Level of sCD14 biomarker, depending on the extent of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with acute surgical pathology”.

The work was appreciated and took the 1st place, and students were awarded the diplomas of 1 degree.

In accordance with the outcome of the conference, the young people brought to KSMU 4 diplomas of 1 degree and certificates of participation.

On behalf of the participants of the conference, we express appreciation to the administration of KSMU for the opportunity to participate in the international scientific conference in Minsk.

Especially, we express our infinite gratitude to Research Supervisor, Head of Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2, M.D., Professor Turgunov Ermek Meiramovich and Assistant Mugazov Miras Mugazovich, and to the entire group of young researchers of the scientific circle “SNK 2ХО”, for their assistance in the research work.

Kenesarov Almas Seitkalievich and Kamirov Duman Kuandykovich,5-year students of “General medicine” specialty



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