Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
We remember, we honor, we are proud!!!

We remember, we honor, we are proud!!!

10 May 2017

The war... How many words have been said about the war, and at the same time, nothing has been said... The fear felt by people can not be imagined, the grief they experienced can not be measured... The people can not be returned... Time can not be turned back... The war spares no one!

The duty of every person is to save the memory of the great Victory Day. Let those few participants of the Great Patriotic War, who have survived to this day, watch and know that their deeds, their exploits, death of their comrades were not in vain, that the memory of them did not fade away, and the reflections of those war years will illuminate the path of new generations.

Therefore, the Victory Day will always remain the Great Day, the only holiday that is celebrated with joyful sinking of heart and, at the same time, with tears in one’s eyes. The Victory Day is a holiday in honor of all those who gave us peace on this earth!

Laying flowers at the Eternal Fire on the eve of the Victory Day is a long-standing tradition of the interns of 6-7 courses of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2. This is the symbol of memory and sorrow, a wordless “thank you” to the participants of the Great Patriotic War for the peaceful sky. Let the memory of that price that the Great Victory worth us and the importance of this holiday to us last forever!

Staff of Department of Internal Diseases No. 2



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