Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Highly Dangerous Infections” Seminar

“Highly Dangerous Infections” Seminar

04 May 2017

25.04.-26.04.2017, teachers of Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology jointly with the Regional Board of Health of Karaganda region and the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital conducted a training seminar “Highly Dangerous Infections: Features of Differential Diagnostics and Modern Principles of Drug Therapy” on the basis of the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital.

  The participants of the seminar were greeted by Head of Department, Kim Antonina Arkadyevna. The seminar was attended by the doctors of the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital, residency students of the specialty “Infectious diseases, including children”, interns of “General medicine” specialty, physicians, general practitioners, surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, phthisiatricians, infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists of medical institutions of Karaganda (CSE “Regional Hospital of Karaganda”, CSE “Karaganda Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary”, CSE “Karaganda Regional Oncology Center”, CSE “Regional Children's Hospital of Karaganda”, CSE “Regional Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after Professor K.Zh. Makazhanov”, “Alanda Clinic” TOO, MF “Merey” TOO, MF “Gippokrat” TOO, CSE “Maternity Hospital of Karaganda”, and others), as well as the doctors of polyclinic and stationary services of Temirtau, Abay, Saran, Balkhash, Zhezkazgan, Satpaev. The rural regions were represented by the specialists from Zhanarkа and Bukhar-Zhyrau Districts, Osakarovka Village. There were more than 80 people in total.

Bakhyt Nurgaliyevna Kosherova, M.D., Professor, Vice-Rector of KSMU, Freelance Infectious Disease Specialist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reported on the state of the infectious diseases service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The reports were made by the assistants: Master of Medicine E.S. Zhunusov, E.L. Kolmogorova, G.R. Beisenova, PhD N.E. Sarsekeyeva, U.O. Hayyrova and Т.P. Mansurova. The lecturers of the department discussed the relevance of the problem of highly dangerous infections, epidemic situation in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan, standard definitions of cases (alleged, probable, confirmed case), diagnosis and differential diagnostics of highly dangerous infections, tactics of managing patients at the prehospital stage, primary and emergency care, anti-epidemic measures. The clinical cases from own practice (cases of anthrax in June-August 2016, botulism, experience of working in the nidi of highly dangerous infections: Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, brucellosis), algorithm of doctor's actions in the nidus of highly dangerous infections, warning scheme for management team in case of highly dangerous infections, demonstration of protective clothing did not leave any participant of the seminar indifferent.

After the completion of the seminar, there were conducted the surveys by the members of the department. There was received the positive feedback and valuable recommendations and wishes: disassembling the step-by-step actions of each medical worker from the time of detection of highly dangerous infections to hospitalization, procedure for evacuation of contact persons; more often conducting of training seminars on actual problems of infectious diseases.



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