Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit to KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov within academic mobility program

Visit to KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov within academic mobility program

07 April 2017

The academic mobility program is one of the mostimportant activities of Karaganda State Medical University. It promotes establishment of internal and external integration, quality improvement of education, increase in efficiency of research work of students and academic and teaching staff, enhancement of their professional, cultural and educational levels.

  On 13-24.03.17 in the framework of the academic mobility program, Professor of Department of Histology of KSMU Zhanaydarova Galina Urazovna visited KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.

  Department of Histology with a course of cytology and embryology of KazNMU was organized in 1932. Formerly here worked the reputable histologists: Professor L.I. Falin, A.V. Kirillicheva, A.S. Tolybekov, who raised such great modern Kazakhstan scientists-morphologists as R.I. Yui, G.V. Fedotovskikh and others. The Department of Histology has been headed by Professor R.I. Yui since September 1998. The department has great achievements in educational, methodological, scientific, educational and public work. Teaching methods at the Department of Histology aim primarily at increasing self-activity of students. These methods allow transferring from passive learning to active application in real situations of professional activity, which definitely improves the quality of training of future specialists. Thus, for the purpose of improving the teaching of histology, at the department since 2012 the practical classes for 2-year students of the Dental Faculty have been conducted with the use of “case study” method when studying thesection of “Generaland special histology”. This command method is one of the innovative teaching methods, used in small groups for training of senior medical personnel. This method allows intensifying the process of understanding, learning and creative applying of knowledge of students. The effectiveness of this method is ensured due to more active involvement of students into the process of not only obtaining, but also direct (“here and now”) application of knowledge; it forms an ability to see a problem situation in one’s own way, to justify one’s position, to listen to a different point of view and to show goodwill to the opponents. It gives emotional impetus to the subsequent search activity of students, encourages them to concrete actions and establishes more trusting relationships with the teacher. It should be noted that the department is well decorated with the visual materials, and a student coming to the department, starts dipping into the histology at once.

G.U. Zhanaydarova delivered lectures and conducted practical classes on the topics:nerve tissue; nervous system; sense organs, with the use of “case study” method. In addition, with the academic and teaching staff of the Department of Histology of KazNMU was held a discussion, dedicated to introduction of active methods of training into educational process of medical universities, on the topic “RBL. Project method (SSC) as an elective component of students”. G.U. Zhanaydarova exchanged scientific information with the head of the department, discussed the plans of educational process, made agreements on conduction of joint scientific events.

The work of Professor G.U. Zhanaydarova was highly appreciated by the administration of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov: to the Rector of our University, Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova was sent a letter of appreciation.



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