Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Nauryz Holiday

Nauryz Holiday

07 April 2017

Nauryz is a holiday of revival of life, celebration of peace and spring. Nauryz holiday is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. It has been celebrated over five thousand years. It is a symbol of spring renewal, triumph of love, fertility and friendship. In the past, the Kazakhs called Nauryz the “Day of Ulus (people)” or the “Great Day of Ulus (people)”. People say: the more generous celebration of Nauryz is, the more successful the whole year will be. That is why there is the abundance of holiday customs and attributes.

On 15 March 2017, at the Department of Children Diseases No. 2, on the basis of the Regional Children's Hospital, under the guidance of a mentor of 7-course of General Medicine specialty of Pediatricsdirection of training, an assistant of the department A.A. Isaeva and the interns of 7-014, 7-015, 7-017 groups was arranged and held a celebration of Nauryz titled “Kosh keldin, Nauryz!” (Welcome, Nauryz!) in the state language.

The hosts of the event and creators of the atmosphere of the Kazakh people were Fergert Andrey (7-017 group) and Aueskhanov Fariza (7-014 group) who wore Kazakh national clothes.

The honorary guests of the holiday were N.N. Nauryzov, Chairman of Trade Union of KSMU and F.A. Batirov, Deputy Head of Youth Work Department.

During the event was presented a scene depicting the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people celebrating Nauryz in an aul (Kazakh village). In the theatrical performance took part Manapov Tanat (7-014 group), Suyindikov Almas (7-014 group), Suleimenova Sholpanai (7-014 group), Erekeyeva Roza (7-015 group), Orazbaeva Zhanar (7-014 group), and the interns of 7-015 group.

The guests of the holiday enjoyed watching presentation of traditions and customs of the Kazakh people: suyinshi, azan shakyryp at koyu, tusau keser.

Suyunshi is a custom of bringing good news. In our case, it was joyful news about the birth of a child. When a child is born, there is another custom of naming “Azan shakyryp at koyu”. An old and respected person in an aul (village) named the newborn Nauryzbay. In the theatrical performance was shown one more custom such as “Tusau kesu” consisting in cutting (with a knife) special ropes, entangling the feet of a child (cutting the shackles), symbolizing the beginning of a new stage in the life of the child - the ability to walk, to explore the world.

Laskevich Darya (intern of 7-017 group) and Baimakhanova Lyazzat (7-014 group) laconically and emotionally recited a poem about Nauryz. For the guests was also prepared a video, showing how cheerfully and merrily this holiday is celebrated.

The guests participated in the national games “Arkan tartu” and “Iterispek”: watching the fighting of young dzhigits (horsemen) was very entertaining. A small concert program was also prepared for the audience.

The event atmosphere was cozy and welcoming. At the end of the celebration, the congratulatory speech was made by the guest of the holiday, Chairman of Trade Union of KSMU Nauryzov N.N. Then the guests were invited to a rich traditional dastarkhan (table) with Kazakh food.



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