Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Innovations through prism of traditions

Innovations through prism of traditions

05 April 2017

On 17 March2017, Masters of Arts, teachers ofDepartment of History of Kazakhstan and Social-Political Disciplines N.A.Meyramova and G.A. Mukhatayeva conducted an open lessonon “Elementary Economics”discipline,in the framework of the student independent work under teacher control (SIWTC), forthe students of 1-017 and 1-023 groups of “General medicine” specialty. In the run-up to the celebration of Nauryz holiday, teachers and students of the department decoratedan auditorium in the national style, sothe guests could contemplate a yurt model, national clothes and utensils under the dome of shanyrak. The delicacies of the ethnic cuisine (irimshik (cottage cheese), bal kaimak (honey sour cream), кurt, Nauryz kozhe, kymyz, boiled kurt baursak, shelpek, zhent, talkan) were prepared bythe students in order to showtheir knowledge and abilities in preparation of national foodthat was tasted by the jury.

In the modern world,under conditions of fierce competition and globalization, the country image, especially at the international level, depends largely on implementation of effective economic solutions. A great emphasis in this process is placed on formation of the national branding.

The 20th century is a century of the triumph of economic thinking in which was formed aneconomically-oriented type of culture. However, aggravation of modern global problems once again drastically posed a challenge to societyin interaction of economics and spiritual culture, emphasized in the course ofthe SIWTC. The objective of the class was to draw attention of students to the areas of non-material production, as an integral part of the national economy, elements of the national wealth: traditions, customs, history of national games and cuisine.

The class within the SIWTC consisted of several rounds, such as an intellectual quiz, popular wisdom, theatrical presentation, defense of projects. The concept of “brand” was used as the material capital and represented as the national branding.

Students showed creative skills. During the class they demonstrated the abilities to set anobjective and tasks, justify therelevance of problem. The practical value of work lay in conduction of online sociological research and post of the end results onthe applicationof Play Market. Innovations in the course of training were shown through the prism of traditions.

At the end of the event all students wereawarded the diplomas on behalf of the Rector, Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova.



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