Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Nauryz Holiday of Peace and Good!

Nauryz Holiday of Peace and Good!

28 March 2017

Nauryz is the celebration of spring, revival of nature. The word “Nauryz” means “birth of spring”.

On the eve of this remarkable holiday, on 15 March 2017, at the Department of Immunology and Allergology, by the Dean‘s Office of the Faculty of Continuing Professional Development under the leadership of the Head of the Department M.A. Gazalieva and the teachers, with participation of the students of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry, was celebrated an event entitled “Bak-berekem, kut merekem Nauryzym” (Welcome, Nauryz), held at the Assembly Hall of the National Centre of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of Karaganda. The event was held in the form of a theatrical concert performance. The students and teachers of the department took part in the concert program. In the event also took part the students who had arrived from the Republic of Tajikistan, from the city of Dushanbe, within the academic mobility program.

There were demonstrated such types of arts as folk dances, playing on dombra. During the event was performed the rite called “Kyz uzatu”, and at the end, according to the Kazakh tradition, a girl sang “Synsu” song. Traditionally, the stage was decorated and furnished with requisites corresponding to the theme of the holiday and there was served a rich dastarkhan with different national food like “Nauryz kozhe”, kurt, kumys, zhent, baursaks.

Department of Immunology and Allergology



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