Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Burymdy kyz” Contest

“Burymdy kyz” Contest

14 March 2017

On 7 March at KSMU was held a competition, initiated by “Akzhunis” Women's Club. The main goal of this event was to renew the rich cultural heritage of Kazakh people, its traditions, in particular, the long braids of a Kazakh girl.

In the first round were selected the ladies with the most beautiful hair and long braids among all faculties and courses of our University.

In the second round, there were only eight beauties who met all the criteria of the first round:

1. Seydakhali Gulnaz (2-011 ОМ group)

2. Zhaksygeldi Gulim (2-001 БФ group)

3. Arystanbek Aizhan (1-021 ОМ group)

4. Musa Aktolkyn (3-020 ОМ group)

5. Turganova Gulaiym (4-067 ОМ group)

6. Abdrakhmanova Makpal (3-076 ОМ group)

7. Auez Arailym (2-014 ОМ group)

8. Toizhigit Balzhan (3-015 ОМ group)

In the second round, the girls introduced themselves, shared the secrets of long, beautiful hair and gave some practical advice on hair care. Interestingly, all the contestants have luxurious hair thanks to their wise grandmothers, who instilled in their granddaughters the love for long hair. Many of the girls use natural products for hair care, such as homemade kefir and chicken eggs

And finally, in the third round were evaluated not only the beauty and length of the contestants' hair, but the intelligence and resourcefulness of ladies. The girls were given different accessories for decoration of hair and had to do themselves original hair within five minutes.

Since the event took place on the eve of spring and a wonderful women's holiday, it was enriched with a magical flute performance by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry, Head of “Akzhunis” Women's Club D.T. Ospanova.

The jury, headed by the Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work V.B. Molotov-Luchanskiy and Vice-Rector for Clinical Work and Continuing Professional Development B.N. Kosherova, including other jury members, namely: Head of Youth Work Department A.A. Ungarbaeva; Head of Department of Kazakh Language, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor M.A. Maretbaeva; a member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Editor of News department of Kazakhstan Radio and Television Corporation branch of Karaganda region Zh. Rakhmetullauly; Coordinator of Karaganda Mother’s Home A.Zh. Amirova; psychologist of Karaganda State Medical University K.S. Marchenko; a member of “Samruk” Student Republic, 2-year student of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy N. Mustafina; Chairman of Dormitory No. 1 of KSMU R. Djuraeva assigned prize-winning places and nominations to our charming girls.

Zhaksygeldi Gulim – 3-rd place; awarded a 2000 tenge eyelash extension gift certificate;

Musa Aktolkyn – 2-nd place; awarded a 3000 tenge manicure gift certificate;

Auez Arailym – 1-st place; awarded a 5000 tenge eyebrow correction gift certificate;

In such a festive atmosphere was held the event that gave spring mood to the contestants and organizers of the competition. And the long hair of the contestants encouraged all women present for admiration of such a beauty and attempt to make their hair look so luxurious as well.

Kuanysh Sabira, 4018 OM group

Sultankulova Fatima  4001 OM group



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