Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Grand Prix in “Zhas Kanat” Competition

Grand Prix in “Zhas Kanat” Competition

10 March 2017

XXI Regional competition of young performers and entertainers of show-programs titled “Zhas kanat 2017” took place at the Palace of Culture of Miners.

  “Zhas kanat” annual competition is a major cultural event for talented bands and singers of Karaganda region. Many young talents pin their hopes on this competition. The competent jury consisted of Idrisov T.N. (Director General of Concert Association named after Kali Baizhanov), Alibek Salikov (popular singer) and others who evaluated the skills of young contestants. The jury assessed not only the vocal skills of young singers, but artistry, plasticity of movements and abilities of acting on the stage as well.

  Karaganda State Medical University was represented by Tuleev Aidar and Bekmurzaeva Diana (“Vocal singing” category), Skendirova Azima and Onbay Salamat (“Entertainers of show-programs” category).

  Based on the results of two competition days, the authoritative jury selected the most outstanding and charismatic contestants. The student of KSMU Onbay Salamat was awarded a diploma of III degree in “Entertainers of show-programs” nomination. The student of Karaganda State Medical University Skendirova Azima was unanimously acknowledged by the expert jury as the Grand Prix Winner of XXI Regional competition of young performers and entertainers of show-programs “Zhas kanat 2017”.

   Youth Work Department



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