Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Spring is coming!

Spring is coming!

10 March 2017

Spring! And the first spring holiday is the holiday of lovely women, glorified in serenades of men at all times.

  On 6 March at the Assembly Hall was held a festive concert.The most “folk” performers took part in the concert.

  The concert started with a comic auction led by the Vice-Dean for Educational and Methodological Work V.B. Molotov-Luchanskiy who tried to sell a piece of handmade soap prepared by the students of the Department of Molecular Biology in accordance with the national recipe.The beautiful women from the audience were flattered by the generosity of the participants of the auction.

  A new modern interpretation of ballet was presented by “Қаракөз” folk oriental dance company.Dance compositions performed by Gani Yerkebulan deserved greater popularity among the audience. That was a masterpiece of modernity, bordering on the impossible, going beyond the limits of human possibilities.

  The charm of the eternal holiday and love was presented to us by the “Golden Step” dance theater.

  The musical atmosphere of the 80's was presented via “Potpourri” by a group of vocalists.
  A guest from Tajikistan Rabia Khojayeva sang touchingly and tenderly about the most beautiful word on Earth - Mother. This is the first word that a person says. It sounds equally gently in all languages. It does not matter if a person is 5 or 50 years old, he or she always needs a mother. And the stronger the love for mother, the brighter life is.

  The concerts of creative teams of our University dedicated to the International Women's Day have already become a good tradition. Vocal and dance compositions gave all present a lot of pleasant and positive emotions.The concert program left a good, sunny, festive mood to remember!

  Youth Work Department.



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