Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Charity Concert

Charity Concert

03 March 2017

Music as a form of art is beyond politics and economics, nevertheless, it is a powerful means of bringing people together that allows us to learn and understand each other better.

On 24 February at “Shalkyma” Concert Hall took place a unique event, a joint charity concert of the Academic Orchestra named after Tattimbet and creative student groups of Karaganda State Medical University.

The concert was held in the framework of the program of activities dedicated to the Gratitude Day. The concert guests were the representatives of the Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, ethno-cultural associations, the intelligence, and representatives of educational organizations.

The concert program included the works of Kazakh, Russian and foreign composers.

At the beginning of the concert, the hearts of listeners and guests of our city were touched by the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments under the leadership of Duisen Ukibay with performance of “Sary Zhailau” kui, reflecting philosophical thoughts of nature and life. Unique orchestral arrangements and original approach to orchestra music make it accessible to the general public, including the youth.

“The Mystery of Russian Soul”, this expression can be considered a brand, and can be perceived as a commonplace cliche. But if, indeed, one assimilates the main components of the national character with the notes, it might become possible to solve the mystery, just like did “Zhіgіtter” Vocal Group, by performing a song titled “Kon” (“Horse”), and Eralieva Diana with “Ah, Samara-Gorodok” song.

Tartys is an ancient tradition of Kazakh kuishi, competition of dombra players, in which the participants continue the famous kui in the course of each other’s solo performance, getting into a battle of splendor and beauty of interpretations. Under the encouraging applause from the audience, having played without stopping in an emulative manner the whole series of kuis, Zhabagenov Diaz and Almatov Zeynolla played together at a rapid pace with the utmost dedication the final, most favorite kui of the people, “Sary Arka” by Kurmangazy.

Everyone who was at the stage that evening put heart and soul into their performances, and that was the reason why the audience at the hall welcomed the musicians and amateur artists with standing ovations.

Youth Work Department of KSMU



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