Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Formation of clinical and practical skills of students

Formation of clinical and practical skills of students

28 February 2017

On 21 February 2017 was held a scientific-methodological seminar «Formation of clinical and practical skills of students».

The seminar started with a plenary meeting under the chairmanship of the Vice-Rector for Science, Strategic Development and International Cooperation Turmukhambetova A.A. The participants were greatly interested in the report of Macievskaya L.L.on the topic “Cognitive and behavioral aspects of skills training”.

Then the work proceeded within the sections where was considered the formation of clinical and practical skills at all stages of training:

-  on general subjects;

-  on “Preventive medicine” and “Pharmacy” specialties;

-  on basic and specialized disciplines of “General medicine” specialty;

-  on specialties of Internship;

-  in postgraduate education;

-  аnd held a discussion on using innovative technologies in formation of clinical and practical skills of students.

In total, there were presented 43 reports. Discussion of presentations ended with recommendations from each section of the seminar.

At the end of the seminar, the Center for Analysis and Innovations of the Academic Council of KSMU summarized the proposals of the participants, prepared their review for reporting at the next meeting of the Academic Council and making concrete decisions.

The Academic Council expresses its gratitude to the moderators and all participants of the seminar.



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