Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Med Talks” Conference - influx of new ideas and joy in discussing them constructively

“Med Talks” Conference - influx of new ideas and joy in discussing them constructively

24 February 2017

Since November 2016 the Committee of Student Self-Government of the General Medicine and Dentistry Faculty has  conducted monthly “Med Talks” discussions and meetings, created in the spirit of the mission of “TED: “Ideas worth spreading” (www.ted.com). At the “Med Talks” Conference gather the students of different faculties and courses who are given an opportunity to speak to the audience, share their opinions, ideas and some experiences with the sophisticated public.

Mission: To organize meetings and presentations on various subjects in order to disseminate new ideas, opinions, experiences for further self-development and broadening the horizons of knowledge of not students only but the academic and teaching staff as well, just like the TED Talks International Organization (www.ted.com).

Conference format: time limit - 5-15 minutes. After presentation, the Committee sets aside time for discussion and feedback from the audience (questions- answers). Topics, scopes and directions of presentations: Medicine, Science, Design, Art, Health Care System, Politics, Culture, Business, Technologies, Entertainment, etc.

“Med talks” means students, who desire to become the best version of themselves, students who want to reach full potential as a human-being, students who want to fulfill their ambitions completely, students who are curios and hooked on learning, discovering and seeking something new  every day! Each of you may become an important part of the process! Do you have any idea? Do you want to share it with us? Tell us!

Committee of Student Self-Government of General Medicine and Dentistry Faculty



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