Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Afghanistan – our pain, our memory

Afghanistan – our pain, our memory

21 February 2017

Twenty eight years ago, on 15 February 1989, the last soldier of the Soviet Army left the territory of Afghanistan. On this day ended the process of the withdrawal of Soviet troops that had been started on 15 May 1988. Every anniversary traditionally revives the debates in society about the reasons and expediency of induction of residual forces in Afghanistan in December 1979. Nevertheless, no disputes, disagreements, and interpretations of history can turn back time and make the participants of the war in Afghanistan the same people they used to be before the war; no one and nothing can heal the emotional wounds of their mothers, fathers, wives, sisters, friends...

On 11 February 2017 at the Military Training Department of Karaganda State Medical University was held an interuniversity scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 28th Anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. In the conference took part the Chief of Military Training Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of RANS, Colonel of Medical Service Mukhametzhanov A.M., a participant of Afghan military developments, retired Guards Colonel of Medical Service, Senior Lecturer of Military Training Department Baltynov G.Z., teachers and students of KSMU and Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov.

Then the participant of the Afghan military developments together with the Chief of the Military Training Department went to the Memorial to Soldiers-Internationalists in the Victory Park. At the memorial stood the Guard of Honor; the action participants laid flowers and rendered military honors in commemoration of soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

The event was opened by the Head of Cycle of Military Training Department of KSMU, Lieutenant Colonel in medical reserve Sadchenko V.E. Then all the participants observed a minute of silence in memory of fallen soldiers. The opening speech was made by the Chief of Military Training Department, Colonel of Medical Service Amantay Mukanbaevich Mukhametzhanov. He noted that in February are held various events dedicated to the heroism of soldiers-internationalists. Such meetings foster patriotic feelings in our young men and women. It is important for them to know and remember that “On this solemn day we have gathered to recall the events and those men who had served with you and remained there. Most importantly, we shall never forget that this war has taken place and involved our people. You, Afghanistan veterans, remain forever in the history of our country. We bow a hundred times to those great men!”. Then the participants noted the undeniable contribution of soldiers-internationalists to the patriotic education of the youth of our country.

There were shown films on the military actions according to the timeline of the war in Afghanistan, archival documents and photographs of that time. After that, was the celebration of retired Guards Colonel of Medical Service Baltynov Gabdulla Zaydanovich. The students of our university organized a concert that included the songs of wartime, poems and songs about the war in Afghanistan. The congratulations were expressed by the students of all platoons, students of the Military Training Department of KSMU and KSU named after E.A. Buketov.

The cordial and kind words were said to their mentor by the students of the 3rd platoon; they congratulated him on the remarkable date, wished health, success in teaching activity and presented a commemorative gift.

At the end of the event was made a speech by the Veteran of War in Afghanistan, retired Guards Colonel of Medical Service Baltynov Gabdulla Zaydanovich. He warmly thanked all the participants for their congratulations and wished them pure sky, peace and prosperity, to remember the lessons of history, not to forget their heroes and to be worthy sons of their Homeland. In conclusion, all the participants of the event were photographed on the memory.

Head of Cycle of Military

Training Department of KSMU

Lieutenant Colonel in medical reserve V.E. Sadchenko

Head of Military Training Department of KSMU

K. Rakhimzhanova



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