Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“About achievements of medicine and Kazakhstan during the years of Independence”

“About achievements of medicine and Kazakhstan during the years of Independence”

11 January 2017

On 20 December 2016 at the Department of Children Diseases No. 2, at the Regional Children's Hospital was held an action dedicated to several important events: 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 550th Anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate and the Week of Kazakh Language in our University.

“Медицинабілімі-мемлекеттіктілаясында” was the topic of the annual festival of Kazakh language in KSMU. Thanks to the collective, creative and scientific work of the teachers of the Department of Children Diseases No. 2 and the interns training in this specialty, the event covered manifold subjects.

6-027, 6-031, 6-033, 6-034, 6-035 groups took an active part. It should be noted that a united work and mutual assistance among the multilingual groups allowed to organize a high-level event.

The interns acted as the writers, directors, actors, speakers and scientific analysts, thus showing a broad outlook and a lot of talents of future pediatricians.

Thus, Makartevich Yanina (6-034 group) revealed her creativity through reciting a poem of Abay; kuyi of Dauletkerei was performed on dombra by Abіl Arai (6-027 group); “Қазақ елі –осындай” song was performed by Sarsembayeva Saltanat (6-035 group).

The atmosphere was cozy, merry and friendly, thanks to 6-031 group, who had decorated the hall in accordance with thematics of the meeting. Great support and assistance in preparation was provided by the teacher of the Department, a curator of the groups, an event organizer Sarmankulova G.A. and the Head of the Department, acting Professor Kizatova S.T.

Organization of the event, preparation of the script and the direction was made by the student of 6-033 group, Karabekova Marzhan.

The hosts of the event were Zhabrovets Anna (6-033 group) and Dmitry Kireev (6-035 group) who set the tone for the event and smooth transitions between many aspects that had to be covered that day.

In memory of the thorny path to independence and current success of the country, there was shown a short video about the heroism and patriotism of the people. Also some more themed videos accompanied the whole event.

 The interns paid much attention to development of medicine of the country during the years of independence, the country's achievements in medical areas, including pediatrics. A student of 6-035 group Kydyralieva Madina prepared thoroughly a presentation and reported concisely on this subject. The presentation showed a big step made by Kazakhstan in 25 years under the leadership of our first, non-replaceable leader Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The students couldn’t help displaying self-irony and amusing incidents from their, yet not very large, practice. With the participation of the interns Julia Starokon (6-033 group), Dinkeshova Zhanar, Kaldybekova Arailym, Kaldybaeva Arailym was shown a “Қабылдау бөлемшесіндегі оқиға” skit, which led to a storm of applause and emotions.

Fervor and adventurism left no one untouched, as the hosts started a quiz prepared by the students of 6-031 group. The guests of the event with excitement and enthusiasm answered the questions about the state language, customs, national cuisine and medicine; the winners were awarded the symbolic medals.

Cohesion and continuity of skills, friendly relations among the teachers of the department and its students were reflected in “Жаса қазағым” final song, performed by the interns and teachers conjointly with a true mentor, the Head of the Department of Children Diseases No. 2, M.D., Professor Tukbekova Bibigul Toleubaevna, thus summing up the event.

The guests of the event congratulated everyone present on the remarkable events. Finally, the guests could try the treats on dastarkhan prepared by the hands of the teachers of the Department, to exchange greetings and wishes.

22.12.2016 at an enlarged meeting of the Academic Council of KSMU were summarized the results of the contest titled “Апталыққа ат салысайық!”, where our Department was awarded “Grand – Prix”.

Prepared by Zhabrovets A.M., 6-033 group



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