Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
XII Meeting of Alliance of Studentsof Kazakhstan

XII Meeting of Alliance of Studentsof Kazakhstan

06 January 2017

On 26 December 2016 at Karaganda Polytechnic College was held the XII Meeting of Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, attended by the leaders and activists of youth organizations, the heads of non-governmental organizations, the representatives of state institutions, the students of universities and colleges of Karaganda. During the meeting the participantsdeliveredthe final reportson activities conducted in 2016. Karaganda State Medical University was represented by the Head of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan in KSMU Nurumbetova Fariza, the Head of Healthy Lifestyle Section Esmakhan Dosym, the Head of Intellectual Development Section Arynova Dilyara, and the representatives of the Local Committee of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan in KSMU KapiyatSanim, Parpieva Aliya, Ilesbek Zhaudir and Lovinetsky Konstantin. The Local Committee of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan in KSMU was acknowledged as “The Most Original Headquarters of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan” and the Head ofthe Local Committee of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan in KSMU Nurumbetova Fariza became the winner in the category “Student of 2016Year” among the students of Karaganda region.

Ilesbek Zhaudir (ASK in KSMU)



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