Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
To 25th Anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan

To 25th Anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan

23 December 2016

Modern Kazakhstan is an independent, sovereign, democratic country with stable economy and a safe plan for the future. Today Kazakhstan declares itself, about its rights and goals.

2016 year symbolizes a special period in the life of every Kazakhstan citizen. We witness the solemn celebration of the 25th anniversary of proclamation of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For 25 years, having made an incredible leap in historical development, Kazakhstan people have worked together to create a strong, dynamic, modern country under the guidance of the Nation Leader, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev.

On 15 December, the Department of Emergency Medical Care No. 2 and 5-year students of “General Medicine” specialty celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan in the groups, studying at the Department and at the clinical site of the First-aid station of Temirtau.

Nadezda Krasikova, a student of 5-108 group, under the guidance of the Head of the Department G.S. Zhumabekova, prepared a presentation, devoted to the most striking historical moments of Kazakhstan independence formation.

Prior to the presentation was performed the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, followed by the congratulatory speech of the Director of the First-aid station of Temirtau Z.E. Abilkasimov. At the end of the presentation was shown a colorful documentary film about the heritage and the achievements of our Republic. The staff of the Department expressed congratulations as well.

To the celebration were invited the sponsored young artists, who study at the Regional Music Boarding School. They gave a folk music concert.

According to the educational work plan, on the same day at the Department of Emergency Medical Care No. 2 by the acting Associate Professor B.S. Orazbayeva and the Department assistants L.A. Kammerer, M.A. Kim and T.E. Shults was conducted a cycle of curatorial hours called “December Lessons” for 5-029, 5-036, 5-095, 5-096, 5-088, 5-089groups.

Staff of Department of EMC No. 2



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