Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention

12 December 2016

Youth Work Department together with the activists of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan held at the Dormitory No. 7 a meeting of the foreign students with the local policemen of the Central Police Department of Karaganda.

     The officers of the Central Police Department, the local policemen Gabituly Dias and Azamat Mustafin together with the interpreter Rajat Bhandari told the audience about the most common problems faced by the foreign students: thefts, loss of documents, hooliganism. The policemen explained to the foreign students the necessary safety rules, told about the necessity to observe the order in public places and to obey traffic regulations.

     The foreign students were interested in the cases when a victim can not report the offence because of lack of proficiency in the state or Russian language. The officers explained that if necessary, the foreigners could call their representative or an interpreter in order to communicate with the law enforcement officials.

    At the end of the meeting, the present foreign students were informed about the contact details of the officers and explained that if necessary, they can refer to them at any time.

                                                                                   Iliyasheva Indira (3-015 OM)

                                                        Head of Anti-Corruption Sector of ASC in KSMU



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