Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“28 петель” Charity Club

“28 петель” Charity Club

12 December 2016

In every city of Kazakhstan are available the departments of perinatal centers where newborns with an extremely low birth weight are getting a proper treatment. The survival rate of this group is no more than 10%. According to the statistics, nearly a million of premature babies die shortly after being born. They may have difficulties with breathing, vision or digestion. Therefore, the medical workers place a great importance on the first days of the life of such infants. Special infant incubators and treatment are not enough for these babies.

Merely the ordinary woolen socks, caps or little blankets can help them to survive in this new world. From the first seconds of their lives it is essential to preserve and maintain the optimal body temperature. Therefore, in addition to medical care and temperature observation in the infant incubators these children need the woolen items. The wool causes irritations to the delicate skin of a newborn and makes it constantly move, thus increasing the chances of survival. Unfortunately, the budget of the departments does not include the purchase of such items. The medical workers have to solve this problem on their own. On this occasion, “28 петель” non-profit organization was firstly established in Kazakhstan two years ago for provision of warm clothes to the departments of neonatology all over the country. “28” stands for the size of socks to be often knitted for the little premature newborn citizens of Kazakhstan.

Thanks to the social networks, more and more people from Kazakhstan and abroad learn about the activities of the Club. Ordinary people as well as some well-known people, big companies and the government itself start to support the volunteers of the Club. Our University did not stand aside: there is a branch of “28 петель” that sends clothes (caps, socks, vests and blankets) knitted by our students to the CSE Regional Perinatal Center and CSE Maternity Hospital of Karaganda. The head of the branch in Karaganda is Margarita Kim, an intern of 6003 group of “General medicine” specialty of “Obstetrics and gynecology”. The meetings are held every Wednesday from 6 to 8 pm in the auditorium No. 312 of the main building. The students at their own expense purchase all the materials needed in order to help the moppets. One does not necessarily need to know how to knit. It is enough to have a desire to help and to find time to join the Club.

Assistant of Department of “Obstetrics and Gynecology”

Vorobyova R.V.



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