Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit to International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassavi (IKTU named after H.A. Yassavi) within academic mobility

Visit to International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassavi (IKTU named after H.A. Yassavi) within academic mobility

09 December 2016

The academic mobility is one of the most important activities of Karaganda State Medical University. It contributes to improvement of management system, establishment of internal and external integrations, implementation of the University mission: “The leader in the field of medical education that focuses on the formation of a specialist, meeting the requirements of the international best practices to ensure the health of the nation”. This ultimately improves the quality of education, increasing not only the efficiency of research work of students and academic and teaching staff, but also their professional, cultural and educational levels.

  From 14.11.2016 till 26.11.2016 within the framework of the academic mobility programs, Professor of the Department of Immunology and Allergology Akhmetova Nailya Shamilevna visited the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassavi.

The training in “General immunology”discipline at this University is conducted at the Department of Emergency Medical Care. The discipline is taught to 2-year students of “General medicine”specialty.

  N.Sh. Akhmetova gave lectures and conducted practical classes on the following topics:

- The structure of immune system; Antigens; Humoral immunity, the structure and functions of the major classes of immunoglobulins; The role of complement system in immune response;

- The antigen-presenting cells; The system of cellular immunity; Immunological tolerance; The main characteristics of cytokines;

- Leukocyte count, analysis of leukogram and immunogram; ELISA method;

- Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, AIDS immunodiagnosis; HLA system, the basics of transplantation immunity;

- Immunogenetic aspects of carcinogenesis, the basic principles of immunocorrection;

- Pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, clinical manifestations of atopic allergy.

In addition, for the academic and teaching staff of the Department was conducted a seminar on implementation of active teaching methods in the educational process of medical universities: TBL (command-oriented training), PBL (problem-oriented training), CBL (case-oriented training). Due to introduction into the practice of training of future specialists of research and innovation orientation and formation of a new model of medical training of the research-based learning (RBL), the seminar participants were informed about the role and the position of RBL in the system of educational technologies and the use of RBL at particular levels of medical education.

At the final stage of the academic mobility, the Dean of the Medicine Faculty M.S. Zhunisov and the Head of the Department of Emergency Medical Care A.S. Babayeva discussed the issues of research collaboration within research projects and research works of students.

The work of Professor N.S. Akhmetova was highly appreciated by the administration of IKTU named after H.A. Yassavi: the Rector of KSMU, Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova received a letter of gratitude, with the emphasis put on the professionalism, teaching skills, thoroughness, relevance and practical orientation of the training conducted by N.Sh. Akhmetova 



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