Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Interfaculty CFI League

Interfaculty CFI League

05 December 2016

Youth Work Department conducted the first game of the Interfaculty CFI League at the University. 

      That evening, three student teams “Группа крови”, “ЖалюзИ” and “International”, competed for the title of the most funny and inventive team. 

      The spectators, who came to the game of CFI, did not regret the time spent. The teams rose to the occasion: the funny performances alternated with the jokes on the topic of the day such as family, sports, elections in America. Of course, one could not avoid the jokes on medicine: a 1-year student at a therapist’s appointment, control of 1-year students’ readiness for work and defense, difference between good and bad students, and many others. The young people from “Группа крови” team showed through their performance how one should not behave when in a club. And “International” team called the people of all nations for living in peace and harmony.

      Also should be noted the excellent vocal skills of team members and masterly guitar playing.

      KSMU Interfaculty League invites the teams, wishing to take part in CFI games. Come, we are waiting for you!


                                                                                                    Ersayyn Musabaev

                                                                               Head of Interfaculty CIF League.



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