Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Youth and Science

Youth and Science

22 November 2016

10 November 2016 at Karaganda State Medical University was held a scientific-practical conference devoted to the World ScienceDay. It was attended by the students, young teachers, undergraduates.

Department of Histology also prepared the students for participation in the conference. The conference was attended by the students of English groups: Sharma Pankaj Kumar (2010gr.) with a report on "Embryology", Isatai Saniya and Syzdykova Ayaulym (3003gr.) with a report "Histological characteristics of myocardial hypertrophy", Poonia Lakshman (3010gr.) with areport "Structural and functional characteristics of vascular system (Blood vessels)" and Yadav Yashdeep (3002аgr.) with a report "Structural and functional characteristics of lymphatics". For participation in the conference and for good reports they received certificates.

After presentation, Associate Professor ofDepartment of Pediatric Surgery, Candidate of Medical SciencesBismildin Habibulla Bukeewich expressed his opinion, shared his experience, noted particularly relevant issues disclosed in the presentations.

It is not easy to deliver a scientific report tothe large audience. It's not just participation, but immense creative and research work. Most importantly, the students reached the first level of science, bravely made this first step. They now have experience in presentation of their works. We are proud of these students and believe that their road to science will be full of high achievements in study.

Especially foreign students were very happy about their first achievements. This was evident when they gaily, on the one hand,but responsibly, on the other, shared their impressions with each other after their presentations. Now the students know how many efforts should be made to achieve success in research.

"It's the first time we participated in such conference. But not the last one! It is so nice to get certificates at the result of our work. In addition, we already know our weak sides. Now we should develop a theme even more and to prove that the issues we study are very relevant", said one of the students, who participated in the conference.

Such conferences give the students an opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge. We wish them further development and better study.

M.Zh. Aliyeva

TeacherofDepartment of Histology



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