Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Be aware of Constitution of your country!

Be aware of Constitution of your country!

08 November 2016

On 31 October at E.A. Buketov KSU was held a competition on knowledge of the basic law, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      It is a duty of every citizen to know the basic law of the State in order to navigate properly in all spheres of our life.

Karaganda State Medical University was represented at the tournament by the participants of “Namys” and “INSIGHT” Debate clubs. The tournament was first serious experience for our beginners and consisted of three stages. In the first stage, the teams wrote an essay on themes of the Constitution. In the second stage, the teams were tested on knowledge of the legislation. It was the most difficult stage, which required actual knowledge in the field of the law. In the third stage, our teams showed their creative abilities and the judges noted a high level of a wall newspaper made by the team of KSMU. 

      Both our teams took III place according to the results of the tournament:

3rd place – “INSIGHT” Debate club: Tleukenov Turar (1-031 OM), Lovinetsky Konstantin (3-061 OM) and An Tatiana (3-010 Стом);

3rd place – “Namys” Debate club: Anvarbek Aiganym (2-012 OM), Saparalieva Dinora (2-020 OM) and Kadyrbaev Sultangali (1-014 OM).

    At the end of the tournament, all the participants were awarded the diplomas, but more importantly, they started to gain experience in public speaking, necessary for each participant of a debate club.

                                                       I. Fisenko (4-081 OM)

                                                   Head of “INSIGHT” Debate club.



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