Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Autumn Ball” at Orphanage

“Autumn Ball” at Orphanage

04 November 2016

On 1 November, Youth Work Department together with the Club of Initiative Students under the guidance of a specialist of Youth Work Department A.S. Mashrapova arranged a traditional visit to the Orphanage for Children with disabilities.

     The children were happy about our visit. They prepared the performance entitled “Autumn Ball” especially for us. They decorated the walls with colorful drawings devoted to autumn themes; and also the clothing of each ward enclosed the elements of autumn attributes, for example, bracelets or adornments made of autumn leaves.

     KSMU students prepared a festive program entitled “Autumn came to us!” in the course of which the inmates of the orphanage learned to dance, took part in a variety of games, humorous quizzes and competitions. In addition, for the children was set a festive table, arranged a photo shoot, and of course, were prepared the gifts by the activists of the Club of Initiative Students.

      At the end of the event, the children presented their handmade gifts to us in commemoration of this day.

                                                                       Gadzhieva Ragimat

                                                     Head of Club of Initiative Students



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