Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Perfect family” cordialmeeting

“Perfect family” cordialmeeting

25 October 2016

Family has always occupied one of the most important places among the values of a human life. This is obvious, because all people at different stages of their lives are somehow connected with family and it is a natural part of this life. It is important for each person to have a family and own home. Family is a fortress, salvation from difficulties, protection against cruel world. A strong family gives warmth, comfort, peace of mind. After all, at home we are surrounded by close people who love us, appreciate and always try to help. Happy is that person who was born and raised in a friendly family. Why family?

 The most important people in life are the parents who gave this life. Under a parent's wing we spend childhood and adolescence, the most beautiful time in life. Family first of all forms the worldview of a new person. Because a family is a model of the world within the frameworks of home. It is the place where the formation of personality begins. We follow the relationships of parents, their conversations, their hobbies. Parents are our first and main role models. They nurture us, share their life experience and family traditions. On family atmosphere, level of comfort and happiness at home depend interests of a child. It is not so difficult to create a family. In order to make a decision by two people to live under one roof, it is enough to make a declaration of love. Of course, in the family must be love for each other. But also there must be understanding, patience, respect, willingness to listen and to help. You have to be ready to sacrifice your time, your desires for the family. It is necessary to feel responsibility to close people, give them your attention.

 A family can be really strong when it withstands the test of time. Life is not always serene. Joy is replaced by sorrow, the hopes sometimes equal, but often they end in disappointment. And each family is tested for strength. In a true family problems are solved together, the difficulties are jointly overcome. Home full of sincerity, loyalty, unanimity, support, is reliable and steady.

On 15 October “Ақжүніс” Lady’s club of Karaganda State Medical University conducted a small meeting titled “Happy family” privately with Vice-rector for Strategic Development, Science and International Cooperation Turmuhambetova Anar Akylbekovna. At the beginning of our meeting, Dinara Tuleuvna introduced the girls of “Ақжүніс” and the members of “KSMU Life”. As the Head of the club, she took the floor and greeted our guest, after that the topic of our meeting was revealed: What does a happy family mean to all of us? What do we mean by the phrase “family values” and what do we expect in the future from the family?

Initially to our guest was shown a videoclip, prepared by the members of the circle of young journalists “KSMU Life”, about a social survey of passers-by, students, teachers of KSMU and even children. We asked them all a simple question: “What does your perfect family look like?”. The various answers, impressing by its warmth, sincerity, simplicity and love for family was shown at the meeting. Anar Akylbekovna was asked questions about family, how to maintain trusting and warm relationships in the family, in which cases the concessions should be made while disputing and what should be avoided in any case. In the course of our conversation we got very useful recommendations, which were filled with sincerity and great life experience. In addition, Anar Akylbekovna prepared a pleasant surprise for us. Shemade a short video with history of her large family in the photos. Moreover, Anar Akylbekovna wroteher warm wishes in the Book of honored guests of “Ақжүніс”, and was solemnly acceptedas a member of our club. She was awarded a scarf and a badge with the logo of “Ақжүніс”.

In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitudeto our Vice-rector Anar akylbekovna for her visit to our seminar! Thank you very much, Anar Akylbekovna for your recommendations and instructions for our students, this meeting was good and rewarding experience. We hope for similar meetings in the future.

In addition to all said above, in the near future we are going to meet with the Vice-rector for Educational Work Molotov-Luchanskiy Vilen Borisovich, Vice-rector for Clinical Work Kosherova Bakhyt Nurgalievna and Rector of KSMU Dosmagambetova Raushan Sultanovna.

Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry,

Ospanova Dinara Tuleuvna



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