Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Joining to the ranks of students KMSU

Joining to the ranks of students KMSU

19 October 2016

On 14 October at Karaganda State Medical University was held a traditional celebration of first year students “Initiation of Students”. It is an unforgettable event in life of every student.

This year celebration was the most memorable, because of 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The ceremony was conducted in academic atmosphere: delivery of symbolical key of knowledge and a gradebook; congratulatory speech of Vice-rector Molotov–Luchanskiy Vilen Borisovich, deans of departments Doskozhin Dulat Mukazhanovich, Priz Vladimir Nikolaevich, and teaching staff of our University Sraubaev Ermek Nigmetovich, Maretbaeva Marina Abilzhanovna, Temirgaliev Kudaibergen Abaevich, Burmistrova Valeria Alekseevna; student simbolic oath and performance of “Gaudeamus” hymn of students.

First-year students were congratulated by senior students involved in various circles of KSMU. Circle members demonstrated their talents on the stage of the Assembly hall of KSMU.

Impressions made on students, teachers and guests of the event were very warm and jolly. We could say it was a good start to new, adult life.

Information sector of Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy 



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