Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
CFI Changes Form

CFI Changes Form

12 October 2016

On 12-17 September, the games of new republican humor project titled “Көңілді тапқырлар алаңы” were held at the Palace of Peace and Harmony in Astana, where the best CFI players competed in wit.

       The ideological inspirer and project manager is a well-known humorist Tursynbek Kabatov. By the way, he is the Chairman of judges. Together with him, the skills of funny and inventive people were evaluated by Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aigul Imanbaeva, popular singer Meirambek Bespaev and Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aibek Seitov (singer known as Беркут).

   Unlike customary form of CFI, according to the new project, the teams will not be retired from the game; all participants will play a season to the end. By the results of each game, the jury will give gold, silver and bronze cups to their favorite teams. After 10 games, a team that has more cups will become a champion of Kazakhstan.

13 teams participated in the first game: “Ертіс” (Semey), “Қызылорда құрамасы”, “Астана”, “Қазақстан қалалары құрамасы”, “Аралас” (Aral city), “Қостанай”, “Тараз – 2000”, “Орыстар”, “Батыс топ” (Atyrau), “Ю-жандарым” (Shymkent), “Қазақстан ауылдары” and “Күлкі терапиясы” team of Karaganda State Medical University. On completion of the first game, our team won four cups and now it is on the 5th place.

“Күлкі терапиясы” CFI team expresses gratitude to the Rector of KSMU and Youth Work Department for assistance in preparation for the competition.

                                                                        Sultan Aliuly

                                                Head of “Күлкі терапиясы” CFI team



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