Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meeting of Student Scientific Circle of Histology

Meeting of Student Scientific Circle of Histology

03 October 2016

On September 14 at the Department of Histology was held a meeting of student scientific circle with participation of a former member of this circle, a graduate of Karaganda State Medical Institute, Johann Fridolinovich Gerner. At the beginning of the circle meeting was made a speech by the Associate Professor S.K.Dzhumabaeva who told about the activity of Histology Circle, whose history began with the moment of foundationof the Institute, i.e. from 1951 to the present day. In the circle of histology at some timewere conducted researchesby professorsG.U.Zhanaidarova, pathologist M.M. Tusupbekova, Doctor of the highest category V.L. Savchenko,and others.

  Then the Circle instructor, Professor G.U. Zhanaidarova introduced J.F. Gerner to the students, told about his period of life in the institute and about work after graduation. The students learned that J.F. Gerner joined Circle of Histology when he was 2-year student. He studied under the leadership of the teacher R.V. Suvorova dealing with the subject of regeneration of myelinated fibers. He delivered reports in German at scientific student conferences. Later he was engaged in the Circle of Surgery. After successful graduation of KSMI, worked at Molodezhny district for 5 years, then in Karaganda at “Marriage and Family” consultation. In 1987 he moved to Germany, where successfully confirmed his knowledge on specialty and in 1988 worked as a doctor in the Maternity Hospital of Ingolstadt. He got so strong basic knowledge at Karaganda State Medical Institute that was able to achieve successfully his professional development. In 1990 he was appointed the Chief of the Department of the mentioned above hospital, in 1993 Deputy Chief Doctor on medical work, in 1995 he opened his own Women's Health Clinic. He started to work all by himself, now he has 6 more doctors. In 2001 he defended his doctoral thesis. Successful medical and scientific activities he combined with the social work. From 2002 to 2014, within 12 years he was the Deputy of the City Council of Ingolstadt.

  At the end of the Circle meeting J.F. Gerner answered numerous questions of the students. To the question of the students: “What would you wish us?” Johann Fridolinovich gave the answer: “To learn. Do not think that someday you will have time to learn something what you have not learn before. Therefore, learn now. I wish you success!”

  J.F. Gerner visited the Museum of KSMU and Practical Skills Center. After visiting Practical Skills Center, he said: “My daughter is also a doctor, studied in Germany and 2 semesters in Ireland, but I have not heard her telling about such equipment. I will send my grandchildren to study here”.

Ph doctor, professor G.U. Zhanaidarova



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