Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Language as foundation of my life

Language as foundation of my life

26 September 2016

22nd of September is the Day of Languages of People of Kazakhstan. At the Department of Kazakh language 2016-2017 academic year began with celebration of this event. Under the direction of the teacher of theDepartment Аkhanova A.Zh., members of Kyran club, and also by the students of theUniversity was organized theevent  called “Language as foundation of my life”. The purpose  of the event is strengthening friendship and unity among the representatives of different nationalities and forming respect to the official language of our independent country. For this purpose students actively participated in the event, sang songs, danced, made performances, played cognitive games. Among the groups were held competitions that passed in a close-fought battle. The students showed their knowledge of proverbs and sayings, traditions and customs of the people. The winning group was awarded with the gifts on behalf of the Department.

The Department of Kazakh language congratulates everyone on the Day of Languages of People of Kazakhstan and wishes salubrity, long years of life and success in work.



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