Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Medicine of new generation

Medicine of new generation

15 September 2016

From May 31 to July 4, 2016 we, 4 year students of the specialty "General Medicine", passed a professional practice "Assistant of the attending physician" in Novosibirsk. In addition to the invaluable experience and new knowledge acquired within the practical training, we also participated in conferences of the international importance. One of the largest forums "Biomedicine - 2016" was held in Novosibirsk at the Academic town in the period from 26 June to 1 July. At this forum scientists from 22 Russian cities as well as from 6 foreign countries discussed the possibility of joint use of new cell technologies and genomic engineering in cardiology, neurosurgery, oncology and other areas of practical medicine and pharmaceutical industry. In particular, the scientists examined the issues and prospects of development of personalized and translational medicine in Russia, creation of the collections or biobanks of cellular models of human hereditary diseases and using of these collections in the interdisciplinary integration projects, aiming at the study of molecular mechanisms of diseases and search for new therapies. Great emphasis was made on the study of stem cells.

At the forum "Biomedicine - 2016" we presented a research paper "Prevention of ototoxic hearing loss when assigning the aminoglycoside antibiotics through histone deacetylase inhibiting" in the form of a poster. The authors of this work are E.S.Donkovtseva, E.I. Lyalina and E.R.Tashmetov who acted as a rapporteur. Many of the participants and guests of the forum took an interest in the topic of our work. We were asked many questions and shared our knowledge and conducted research in this area. It was incredibly interesting to listen to people who are smart, open and willing to share their skills, ideas and knowledge regardless of who you are - a scientist, a doctor, or a student.

After visiting several conferences during the passage of our practice, we realized that each conference is a source of knowledge, experience and inspiration.

We would like to express our gratitude to the University for the opportunity to pass the professional practice "Assistant of the attending physician" in another country. We have an indescribable feeling of delight from the practice, from the city and from the people we were lucky to meet with.

Lyalina Ekaterina and Tashmetov Elyarbek

  4 year students of the specialty "General Medicine"



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