Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Week of Sports

Week of Sports

14 September 2016

Second week of September was full of notable events in KSMU. Sports Club of KSMU, together with the Department of Youth Affairs and Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Training arranged the activities called “Week of Sports”.

  Sports week started on Monday at the outdoor area of 32 Erubaev street. One hundred and fifty students under the leadership of the teachers of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Training held the mass action “Festival of Sports” in the open air. The purpose of the action is the popularization of healthy lifestyle, promotion of physical activity and responsibility for one’s health.

  On Tuesday the activists of “Samruk” Student Republic held in the courtyard of the main building the flash mob entitled “Students of KSMU for Healthy Lifestyle!”. Bright, colorful youth flash mob fascinated all those present. Joyfully and fervently, to rhythmic music, the participants headed by the President of Student Republic Temirlan Samatov, called all those gathered to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.

  On Wednesday the square in front of the main building was crowded as never before. Over five hundred participants of “Festival of Sports” wearing sports clothes in orderly ranks filled the University square. The Head of Sports Club of KSMU F.A. Batirov congratulated everyone on the beginning of the academic year, wished the students to make it normal to lead an active lifestyle and without fail go in for sports. After that for thirty minutes nearly five hundred boys and girls under the leadership of the Senior Teacher of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Training R.B. Timershin were doing physical exercises to the rousing music. Passers-by beheld the brilliant performance came closer watching with pleasure how readily and consistently the young people were doing the exercises. At the end of the action, the students did not want to leave and organized the improvised disco.

  “Week of Sports” ended on Thursday by holding a University-wide “Physical break”. During the main recess, students and teachers of KSMU in an orderly manner and to the music did a set of exercises, specially developed for the University employees by the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Training.

  Within four days in the “Week of Sports” took part nearly a thousand of students and staff of KSMU, thus making a strong contribution to the implementation of the concept “Healthy nation – prosperous Kazakhstan!”


  Sports Club of KSMU.



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