Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Interdisciplinary Contest in anatomy and histology

Interdisciplinary Contest in anatomy and histology

27 June 2016

The interdisciplinary contest was held on Anatomy and Histology at the department of Histology. Students’ contests are one of the means to enhance the creative potential of the future specialist, the means of development of scientific-research, organizational and educational activities, of promotion of first-year-students’ scientific knowledge in higher educational institutions. Students’ contests allow checking the level of theoretical and practical training of future specialists in the field of Anatomy and Histology. Contest contributes to the identification and selection of creative thinking young people for scientific-research, administrative, organizational and pedagogical activity, residency and master's training. Acquired during the contest creative experience can be used by the departments for further modernization of the educational process and development of intramural competitive movement.

The purpose of the contest was to identify and support talented students capable of solving theoretical and practical problems, to artistic and scientific activities.

 The contest was attended by 110 second-year-students of the Faculty “General Medicine and Dentistry”. Contest program consisted of three rounds. The 1st round was a screening test. Each student participated in the contest had to answer 30 multiple-choice questions. It was necessary to choose the correct answer to each test question. Time to answer the question was 60 seconds, the total test time - 30 minutes. This theoretical part of the contest included the definite parts of Anatomy and General Histology. According to test results, the general list of students was made, which indicated the points in descending order. The first 24 students who had scored highest number of points took part in the second and third rounds of the contest.

The main competition includes 2 and 3 rounds. The practical part was aimed to evaluate the ability to work with a microscope and skills in description of histological preparations (the 2nd round). Students were offered 5 micropreparations to determine the type of tissue and its color (5 minutes), as well 8 tasks connected to schemes and photomicrographs (16 minutes). At the 3rd round, each student had to solve 9 situational paraclinic tasks on Anatomy and Histology (18 minutes). Students received 3 points for each specific micropreparation, 5 points for each task connected to the scheme and photomicrographs, 5 points for each solved situational problems. The total maximum number of points for the 2nd and 3rd round was 100 points. The winners in the individual competition were determined by the total result of the participant during the 2nd and 3rd rounds of the contest. The winners awarded with diplomas and certificates were determined according to the total number of points. The student of the 2-067th group - D.V. Areshenko - was awarded with diploma of the 1st degree; diplomas of the 2nd degree were received by the following students: A.Yu. Khrol (2-054 GM), P.V. Merencov (2-057 GM); the following students - S.A.Rahimberlina (2-082 GM), F.Z.Saydazimova (2-057 GM), A.K. Kabzhanov (2-082 GM) were awarded with diplomas of the 3rd degree. 18 people reached the final round, received certificates.

The contest was organized under the supervision of the Professor of the Department of Histology – G.U. Zhanaydarova. The senior teacher of the Department of Anatomy R.T.Karibzhanova, the teacher of the Department of Histology B.H.Berikbayeva, assistant professor of of the Department of Histology S.K. Dzhumabayeva took an active part in the organization of the contest.Finally, our thanks and gratitude go to the students participated in the preparation and holding of the contest: T.Korobeinikov (3087 GM), A.Khusainova (3078 GM) and D.Kystaubayeva (3078 GM).

   G.U.Zhanaydarova,the Professor of the Department of Histology.



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