Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Accounting concert of folk ensemble of oriental dance "Karakoz"

Accounting concert of folk ensemble of oriental dance "Karakoz"

14 June 2016

Accounting concert of folk ensemble of oriental dance "Karakoz"

We are once again pleased with the ensemble "Karakoz".

In the assembly hall of KSMU hold on reporting concert of folk ensemble of Oriental dance "Karakoz".

Members of the ensemble consist of more than sixty (60). It is the students, future doctors, which, along with the excellent study combines a love of folk dance. Today the repertoire of the "Karakoz" is more than 40 different productions . Each dance is filled with the warmth of soul, sincerity of his participants .

This year, a unanimous decision on the basis of creative Commission certification team oriental dance ensemble confirmed the title of "National".

The concert opened with a congratulatory greeting of Vice-Rector for educational and methodical work Vilen Molotov - Luchansky . Vilen Borisovich presented letters of appreciation , commemorative albums parents of participants ' Karakoz " and certificates to members of the ensemble .
Letters of thanks from the Vice-Rector of hands received ensemble graduates : Seitmuratova Karina , Estaeva Қymbat , Sadulova Samal, Қazbek Aidana, Kaimova Mereke and head of ensemble - Kosybaeva Meruert.

Then the concert began . The audience was showed the following statement : dance " Махаббат сыры " , Tatar dance " Бие кио " , tango ( Iskender Nurgali and Baygozhina Aidan ) , oriental dance with wings , Tajik dance " Гиждалла " Caucasian dance "Лезгинка" , setting out different genres of dance ( Moldahmetova Zhuldyz , Kabdulina Dinara Baygozhina Aidan Iskender Nurgali , Gani Erkebulan and Dinmuhammeduly Miras ) , Michael Jackson dance ( Kurmanbaeva Zhanar ) , " Russiandance ", " Құстар биі " .

At the end of event, the ensemble  played the final bright dance. Head - Kosybaeva Meruert congratulated the members of the ensemble with a confirmation of the high rank of "People " , thanked the administration of the university, printing house , department on work with the youth, service of public relations , in a word, all those who actively participated in the organization of the concert .

Members of the ensemble gifted flowers to first head of ensemble - Indira Zhanuzakovoy.
 Department on work with young people



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