Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit of the doctors from South Korea

Visit of the doctors from South Korea

09 June 2016

In May, 2016 our city was visited by the delegation of the city administration and the doctors from the city Daegu, South Korea. The visit was for informative purposes and had to identify the medical organizations on the basis of which the humanitarian action on the free consultative and diagnostic patients’ receiving of Karaganda region will be held by South Korean doctors.

 As a result of the visit the main place of reception - in agreement with the Akimat of the region the Polyclinic and Dental Clinic Medical Center of KSMU were chosen. The grounds for a decision were:

• the convenient location in the city center;

• the availability of interpreters and counselors among the teaching staff, residents, graduate students, doctoral students of the University;

• the sufficient number of doctors' offices;

• Modern diagnostic equipment of global brands: 4 ultrasound scan equipment (Korea, the Netherlands), Siemens X-ray apparatus (Germany), dental treatment units (Brazil, Slovakia), Planmeca ProMax 3D Classic scanner with digital cephalostat (Germany), Dexis dental treatment unit, Otopront ENT-workstation (Germany), Carl Zeiss Ophthalmic complex (Germany), clinical laboratory, ECG recorder, EEG.

From the 6th till the 8th of June, 2016 in the polyclinic medical center of KSMU there was held a reception of people of Karaganda region by doctors from South Korea on a humanitarian basis. During these days the specialists - general practitioners, pediatricians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, gynecologists, radiologists were examined ___ patients, and made recommendations for further examination and treatment. In the dental clinic of KSMU there were consulted more than 100 patients.

Through the sharing of experiences South Korean professors gave lectures on ophthalmology, neurosurgery, radiology, which were attended by over 50 doctors of Karaganda.

Karaganda state medical university and university Hospital Kёnbuk (KNUH) signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of medical education and science. 



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