Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Master Class «Actual problems of allergy and immunology: the pathology of the upper and lower respiratory tract»

Master Class «Actual problems of allergy and immunology: the pathology of the upper and lower respiratory tract»

03 June 2016

16-20 May  2016 Department of immunology and allergology together with the course of professional diseases organised a master class on the topic: «Actual problems of allergy and immunology: the pathology of the upper and lower respiratory tract».

Purpose: improve professional knowledge in allergology, immunology and discussion of topical issues of allergic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

During the master class described features of the functional state of the immune system in the broncho-pulmonary pathology, diagnosis and principles of treatment of allergic diseases, examination of disability in bronchial asthma.

Master class were visited doctors allergists, therapists, pulmonologists, staff departments and employees of KSMU MUA, residents.

Participants listened to presentations by the chief allergist of MHSD RK, the head of the Republican scientific-practical allergological center, SRI K and IM, d.m.s., associate professor Nurpeisov Tair Temirlanovich with lecture «Allergen-specific immunotherapy in bronchial asthma» and conducted a practical lesson on topic «Spirography technique, main causes of errors». It was presented to listeners an opportunity to work practical skills and asked questions to T.T. Nurpeisov.

During training listeners discussed various clinical cases, immunogramm, learned medical analyses of Laboratory of collective use of KSMU.

Master class completed with obtaining certificates and questioning. Listeners have noted relevance, availability, structure of material also have expressed big gratitude of the head of department d.m.s., associate professor M.A. Gazaliyeva for the organization and holding a master class.

Department of immunology and allergology



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