Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Westand for immunization

Westand for immunization

03 June 2016

Immunization  saves  millions of  lives and  it is widely recognized as one of the most successful and economical effective measures of interventions in the world.

The department №1 organized a flash mob in front of the main building of KSMU under the slogan «Warning.Protection.Immunization ». 38 students of KSMU from groups: 6-043, 6-044, 6-045, 6-046, 6-082, 5-012, 5-069   took part in this event under the guidance of the of the department teachers Kovalyova G.A and Tadjieva Y.M.

     The purpose of this event was to attract  people to the problem of immunization and  promoting of  using   vaccines for protecting people of all ages  from diseases.  

     The participants of the flash mob posted on their T-shirts the inscription “We stand for immunization”, young people used such an unusual way, as they decided to draw the attention of visitors and residents of the city of Karaganda to immunization problem, because a lot of parents are refusing to vaccinate their children today,  showing negligence to their protection from various risks.

      Immunization allows  to prevent 2-3 million deaths every year; however improvement of global coverage vaccination could prevent another 1.5 million deaths. Today  18.7 million infants   - almost every fifth child in the world are not   regularly immunized against the preventable diseases such as diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.   In 2012  the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Plan of Action for vaccines - the obligation to ensure universal coverage of vital immunization . 

assistant-teacher of department   GMP №1    Kovalyova G.A  

assistant-teacher of department  GMP №1  Tadjieva Y.M.



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