Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Art Exhibition - "Peace, Friendship, Kazakhstan!"

Art Exhibition - "Peace, Friendship, Kazakhstan!"

02 June 2016

"Now all we have to be like children from the one father. We have only one Fatherland ". N.Nazarbayev – it was the slogan of the KSMU. Art exhibition – which was named - "Peace, Friendship, Kazakhstan!»

The exhibition included the work of students, which was made in different techniques under the guidance of Konarbayev Bagzhan, head of the club of fine arts. Each student had the opportunity to present to audience their creative work and every viewer had found in the creation of our artists something different, special, heart warming.

In each work it expressed the individuality of the author, the notes of deep patriotism, the importance of values such as friendship, tolerance, all the colors of unity, which is rich in our Homeland.

 Immerse into the atmosphere of art helped musical arrangement of the exhibition, the background sound of classical music enhancel the feeling of the entire exposure palette.

The exhibition was attended by distinguished guests: Academic Dean V.B. Molotov-Luchansky, Deputy in Charge of Research A.A .Turmuhambetova, deans and vice-deans of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry, deans of faculty of the Internship, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy, teachers and our students.

Club of Fine Arts has been in existence for 3 years. The team has positioned itself with an active and creative part. Nice to know, that there are gifted and talented students in our university.

All members of the circle of fine arts expressed  their sincere gratitude to the University administration, the department of Youth affairs KSMU, the head of the club Konarbayev Bagzhan (2-044 GM) for their support and assistance in organizing the exhibition.

In the audience vote prizes were distributed as follows:

I - place - Mukusheva Aynur (1-029 GM)

II - place - Kabdusheva Mendigul (2-069 GM)

II - place - Balkenova Samal (3-055 GM)

III - place - Kabzhanov Alikhan (2-082 GM)

III - place - Akzhіgіtova Sabina (2-065 GM)

III - place - Zarina Ibrahim (2-037 GM)

The students - active members of the organization of the exhibition: G.Aldiyar (2-072 GM), J. Zhumabai (2-032 GM), F. Zhumagulov (2-064 GM), A. Iskakov (3-053 GM), M. Kaldanova (1-005 GM), J. Omarbekova (2-084 GM), G. Havilbeg (3-017 GM), A. Sanayhan (1-013 GM), R. Gatina (3-055 GM), M. Kaldanova (1-005 GM), M. Meyrambek (2-002 GM) were awarded with letters of thanks.

A.Nazarova (3-057 GM)

Editor of the Club of Fine Arts



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