Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Students, сonference in the framework of research based learning (RBL)

Students, сonference in the framework of research based learning (RBL)

30 May 2016

On May 20 the students, conference dedicated to the scientific research methodology was successfully held at the "Emergency Medical Care #1» department in anticipation of the completion of the academic year.

5th year students of the "General Medicine" specialty showed their scientific projects, shared their experience in writing essays, drawing up E-posters, analyzing scientific articles.

In a friendly atmosphere, students shared their scientific work experience, discussed their own expectations and results obtained during conducting scientific researches.

There were reports of students Azizova Dilyafrooz, Burkovskaya Yelena (5-099 gr.), Kim Margarita (5-103 gr.) on topic: "Methods of scientific project development". Research projects were created in the framework of the scientific students, circle under the guidance of the Head of Department, Associate Professor A.R. Alpyssova. Scientific students projects were developed and presented at students conferences in Karaganda and Almaty in the form of oral and E-poster reports. The output of scientific research of students, were publications in the materials of students, scientific and practical conferences; students, competition was held by the MES RK.

Students of 5-074 gr. GM Almagambetov Kuanyshbek and Sergazina Alua made the presentation "How to analyze an article?" with practical output as analysis of an article from PubMed sources; Sokolova Valentina (5-085 gr. GM) reported "On the methodology of writing essays."

Students actively participated in the discussion of reports, in particular, the student of 5-024gr. GM Abulov Shavkat shared his experiences and impressions from participation in the International Students, Conference in Dushanbe (Tajikistan).

Head of the department of medical education, Associate Professor G.S. Kemelova and specialist of DME T.V. Makarenko were invited to the conference held in the framework of research-based learning (RBL), and they approved a pilot project "10 steps of quick describing of scientific articles in 10 minutes", which allowed the students to realize the importance of research-based learning in the educational process and the need to engage in to scientific research activities from the moment of entering the university.

The conference was held in the form of a "Round Table" in a friendly atmosphere along with motivation of students for scientific research work. Students skillfully were asked questions by the teaching staff, the students were enthusiastically being involved in to the discussion and interest for the chosen topic was being awakened.

Good mood and gleam in students’ eyes once again showed us the need for such meetings and discussions of the development process of scientific researches among students and young teachers.

The Head of the Department, Associate Professor   A.R. Alpyssova

Assistant of the Department Yu.V. Subbota

Department of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care #1



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